Our bodies are 60-75% water...

So the best thing you can do starting TODAY is hydrate.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission when you use them to make qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use, trust, and love and think will be useful to you.


1. Use a water bottle with ounce markers so you know how much you’re drinking. This will be a visible reminder to keep drinking throughout the day. Why not get one in your favorite color? Add fresh fruit, cucumbers, or fresh mint for a boost of refreshing, natural flavor. 

Get my favorite safe, colorful bottle – just click on the image below.


2. Avoid or cut back on dehydrating foods including alcohol, sugar, starches, meats, cheese, and caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate). And while you’re at it, skip the sports drinks and sodas, which are high in sugar or sugar substitutes and synthetic electrolytes.

3. Eat your water. Plants are between 80-98% water! Plus, they also contain antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and fiber.

Bonus points for those doing double-duty: the ones below in bold  hydrate and fight cancer! 

Top Hydrating Veggies, by % water

Top Hydrating Fruits, by % water

  1. Cucumbers (96.7%)
  2. Romaine lettuce (95.6%)
  3. Celery (95.4%)
  4. Radishes (95.3%)
  5. Zucchini (95%)
  6. Tomatoes (94.5%)
  7. Bell peppers (93.9%)
  8. Cauliflower (92.1%)
  9. Spinach (91.4%)
  10. Broccoli (90.7%)
  11. Carrots (90%)


4. Eat chia seeds. When mixed with liquid, these little seeds release a gel that hydrates more slowly and effectively than liquid alone.

Check out this delicious Hydrating Pom-Chia Refresher non-alcoholic drink recipe on my website.

5. Get a reliable, effective water filter for your home. One of the best decisions I made was to purchase a Berkey* home water filter. We use it for drinking, to make hot and iced tea, for our coffee, and for cooking.

I use and recommend Berkey* water filters above anything else. Why?

  • Safe – Berkey filters remove 99.99% of bacteria from tap water, plus heavy metals such as mercury and lead, parasites, VOCs, pesticides, radon, disinfectant byproducts, chlorine, arsenic, and other contaminants.
  • Easy – just fill the unit from your tap and let gravity do its thing.
  • Economical – purchase one unit and periodic replacement filters. We replace our fiters about every 8 months.
  • Good for the environment – no plastic, electricity, or batteries; minimal waste.

*Learn more about Berkey water filter systems and the contaminants Berkey filters remove.

Here’s what I have for our family of three: 

  • The *Big Berkey* container for 3-4 people has a 2.25-gallon capacity (there are many sizes available)
  • 2 filters (included)
  • 2 fluoride filters
  • Site glass spigot, allows you to see how much water is in the chamber
The BIG BERKEY is on sale! Plus free shipping with $59 or more purchase.

The Big Berkey is on sale, for a limited time. Plus free shipping with a $59 or more purchase. Click below for more information, or hit reply and ask me any questions.

how much water should you drink to stay hydrated?

A good rule of thumb is to drink (in ounces) half your body weight (in pounds) of purified water every day.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, divide that by 2, and you should be drinking around 75 ounces of water per day.

Be sure to drink more in high heat, after exercise, and if you’re taking certain medications.

If you notice a headache, fatigue, difficulty focusing/brain fog, or stomach cramps, reach for water before food or medication, as these can be some of the first signs of dehydration.

The more water you drink, the more water you’ll want. Develop a good habit and pretty soon, you won’t even have to think about it. It will be like brushing your teeth!

See also  Seven Small Changes to Improve Health This Summer

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